Thursday, January 3, 2013

6. Spread out your readings

As students of higher education we are constantly given required readings from our professors. Reason being, as students we are being taught to read, comprehend and give and educated response in regards to the material being covered. It is critical to keep at the same pace of your professor.I have used Google calendar to help me manage multiple readings throughout semester. I would like to share in this post the steps that I take in the beginning of the semester to be well prepared.

If you take a look at your syllabus you'll notice that you have required readings due on certain dates. By week 1 you may be asked to complete a chapter of reading. In this post I want to explain how I have spread out my readings to have them completed by the due dates asked.

By this point make sure you have all your required reading due dates marked as an event on your calendar. To spread out your readings count the amount of pages you have to read by that due date. After you count the amount of pages you have to read, count the amount of days you have until your required readings are due. Take the amount of pages you have to read and divide it by the amount of days you have until your due date. The number that you get is how many pages you will read per day until your due date. Now create an event for every day that you plan on reading. In the description box write write the amount of pages you have to complete for that day.

By week 1 you have to finish one chapter of reading. The chapter equals to be 50 pages and you have five days to read the chapter. In this case you will be reading 10 pages a day to complete the required readings.

> You can complete this process for all of your required readings for all of your classes. 

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