Thursday, January 3, 2013

8. Using Google drive

Using Google drive is just as helpful as your Google calendar. Google drive has features that you can use to your benefit of organizing your documents. The advantage of Google drive is that all your work is saved and mobile. By using Google drive your documents are in one central location and easy accessible considering you have access to internet. In this post I will explain what Google drive has to offer you and how you can use it for your work load.

Now that you have an Gmail address you have access to Google drive. If your signed in to your gmail account you have access to your google drive. You can get to your Google drive by starting at your google search and clicking on the "Drive" label at the top on the black bar. Below is an image of what you should be seeing when you access your Google drive.

- At the top of you Google drive you should notice a folder icon with a plus sign on it. When ever you need to create a new folder, click on the folder icon and a new folder will be created. Create a folder for ever class. Create a folder within each class for everything you will be graded on assignments, journals, blogs, also create a folder for your notes. As you progress with your work throughout the semester these folders will keep you organized.

- If you look to the left hand side you will notice a red "create" button with an upload icon to the right hand side. When you want to create a new document in a folder you can refer to the red "create" button. The upload button to the right hand side is there in case you would like to upload a folder or document from your computers hard drive. When creating a new document Google gives you the option of creating an document, presentation, spreadsheet, form or drawing. Throughout your academic career you will find use for all of these options.

- Below the create button you have four different labels; My drive, Shared with me, Starred and Recent. These labels are self explanatory.When you create a folder or document it will be saved to your drive. With Google you have the option to share documents or folders. Once you do so they will be saved in the shared section. The documents that you starred and recently worked on will be saved in the starred and recent section.

Now that I have explained your Google drive I would like to explain the features of  Google document and what it can do for you. Below is an image of what a blank Google document should look like.

- To the top of your Google document page you have the option to give your document a title. When taking notes or working on an assignment its important to write a heading to keep your work organized. Use that space to take advantage to write a title that best fits what the document represents. When I am taking notes I usually add the page number in the title as well as using a heading.

- To the right you will notice a grey folder. By clicking this folder you will be given the option to save the document you created into what ever folder you wish at the time. This is a great option because as you work, your work will be save on into that folder once selected.

- Below these options you have the necessary tools that you need when writing. You can undo, print, change font size, change font style etc. As you write papers for your professor there will be guidelines for you to follow, such as font size, spacing etc. You can use these tools to meet your professors expectations.

- To the far right you have the option of sharing a document. This is great! You can click on the button an a form will appear. In the share option you will be given a link. This link can be used for you to give to whom you wish.

- Below the link you are given the options of making the choice if you want this document to go the public, anyone with the link or private. As you work on documents you can decide which will be a best fit for you.

-Below the option of making your document private, public or anyone with an link you can also add someone by simply typing in their email address. To the right you are given the option to allow that person to edit, comment or view the document.All these options can be put to good use if your are working in pairs, groups, or if you need to work on a document with a friend. Students have very different schedules and its sometimes hard to plan to meet in person, therefore if you use these features you can still work together without having to meet in a certain place at a certain time.

Below is a picture of the form you are given once you click on to share a document.

- Editing on Google documents with your classmates can also happen in real time. Below is a link of a video to show you what live editing and sharing can offer you.

Have fun, be creative and experiment with Google.
See what its like to go Google!

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